Wednesday, March 8, 2023

International Women's Day: A Celebration Dedicated to Women Power

Power, Respect and Equality: Remember Women's Contribution on International Women's Day 

International Women's Day is celebrated every year on 8 March across the world. This day is dedicated to the elevation, respect and equality of women. This day is celebrated to remind the fight for the rights, equality and rights of women. International Women's Day started in 1908 in America. At that time, 129 women working in a garment factory had died in a fire there. To bring them justice, the American Federated Labor Organization adopted this day. Making this day special started in 1908 when more than fifteen thousand women took out a procession in New York City, USA. The demand of those women was that the working hours of women should be reduced, they should get good wages and all women should get the right to vote.

After this, in 1909, a Socialist Party of America announced to celebrate the first National Women's Day. The credit for making this day international goes to a woman named Clara Zetkin. In 1910, she made important suggestions for women's rights and to achieve equality in an international conference, which was held in the city of Stockholm, Sweden. There were 100 women from 17 countries present in the conference and all those women unanimously agreed to Clara's suggestion. After this, the first International Women's Day was celebrated in 1911 in Denmark, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

International Women's Day was fully recognized in 1975, when the United Nations welcomed its celebration. After this, the United Nations created a theme for it in 1996, whose name was 'Celebrating the past and planning for the future'.

Celebrating Women's Day on March 8 itself is also related to the Russian Revolution. In 1917, Russian women went on strike demanding bread and peace. This strike was so effective that Emperor Nicholas of Russia had to lose his power. It is believed that for this reason only this day was celebrated as Women's Day. After that, the provisional government formed in Russia gave women the right to vote.

International Women's Day is considered a symbol of 'justice and respect', so on this day the slogan of respect for women is raised by wearing purple, green and white clothes. Purple color symbolizes justice and honor, green color inspires hope and white color symbolizes purity.

The United Nations theme for International Women's Day 2023 is 'Embrace Equality'. It means to create an inclusive world where women have equal status in every field.

In the end, I would like to say that even today, women are not being given equal rights in many countries of the world, especially Muslim countries, which in the name of religion, by pretending to follow their old dirty customs, are still They are keeping technology deprived, due to which even today women are not free in these countries. This is a thoughtful topic on which a lot of work remains to be done.

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